What are the best debt free solutions? Any that eliminates what you owe without any tricks or gimmicks. Any that improve your household budgeting situation for the better. What piece of the puzzle are you missing?
It probably took you a long time to get to the place you are right now financially. Do not expect a quick fix solution. However, if most diligent families are able to pay off all personal debt within 36 months which includes everything except the mortgage.
Yes, you heard that correctly. It is NOT uncommon for a typical family with thousands of dollars owed to others to get rid of it all in three years or less. No, I am not talking about shady late night commercial tactics.
We are talking real reduction of what is owed, proving it on paper before you even begin!
I have a Personal Financial Plan seminar that teaches the 7 Keys to a Financial Plan That Works. Listen to the three minute excerpt and begin to think of the possibilities.
What follows here are a few ways to help you accomplish this goal by getting started in the right direction. Grab some ideas and encouragement, and then take action.
Do you have enough personal debt management information? Here are some options for gathering what is needed.
Real debt proof living begins with this personal budget planning idea.
A review of three debt relief solutions resources.
Is not living debt free a sin?
Living on a budget with a personal spending plan helps to ensure your financial freedom and protection.
Non profit debt consolidation companies: Benefits and downsides
Information without implementation is just plain plain ole' entertainment. Please don't get stuck in the paralysis of analysis. Life rewards those who TAKE MASSIVE ACTION IMMEDIATELY towards a planned goal or solution.
So, what will it be? Frustration after frustration or taking action on some debt free solutions, improve your household budgeting and finally live financially free?
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