In today’s modern world, the idea of tithes and offerings to God in Christian finance has fallen by the wayside. Many are struggling financially, and the idea of relinquishing some of your financial wealth or possessions simply does not seem like good financial sense.
It is not about the Christian giving his own money to the Lord, but rather an act of returning it to the original owner. All things exist through His grace, and therefore in truth, the wealth that you have, you keep only as a steward upon his behalf. When a Christian chooses not to tithe and give offerings, he is in fact stealing from God.
In this passage, there are two very important ideas that should be recognized. The first is that tithes and offerings are returned to God, and not given. Christians are stewards of what they have, and therefore the possessions within our care should be treated with respect and love.
Now, what is with offerings? In Christian finances, a tithe is a tenth part (10%) of your increase (gross income). An offering is what you choose to give back to God above that 10%.
Aside from not stealing from God, the passage in Malachi quoted above provides a very real incentive. Whatever is returned to God, He will return back yet again in good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Luke 6:38 .
If you return to God what is his, he will in turn bless you with the promise and grace that only he can provide. What could be a better incentive than that?
Now step out in simple faith with tithes and offerings. How can you expect any of God's blessings in the middle of disobedience? And join with me in singing that old time gospel hymn, Trust and obey, for there is no other way .... to be happy in Jesus .... but to trust and obey.
The next article in this Christian Finance Principles series reveals some of the top accredited online bible colleges that will help you save some money.
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