
Ways to Save Energy Four Strategies to Save Money

When it comes to buying your energy supply, it’s really easy to find ways to save energy and, in turn, use proven strategies to save money if you’re just a little bit shrewd. As the cost of living in the US rises every day, it’s more and more important that we’re vigilant about the cost of even the little things – and even if manage to make a saving of just $20 or $30 per year on your energy bills, just think about how it all adds up.

Make the same saving in other areas such as your insurance premiums, travel, groceries and clothing, for example, you could be in for a potential saving of hundreds of dollars. If you really do want to make a start on shaving dollars off your living costs, then read on.

    Take a Look on the Web

    If you’ve been getting your energy from the same company for some time, then maybe it’s time for you to check out the competition. Look on the internet and you may find much cheaper deals than the one you’re currently getting (and sometimes they’re even offered by your very own supplier). Energy suppliers are able to offer their online customers substantial savings because by trading online, they cut their overheads and pass the saving onto the customer. There are plenty of sites out there that will help you compare energy prices to bag you the best deal around and support your new found hobby of finding ways to save energy and cash.

    Shop Around

    While you’ll definitely find good deals online, you can dig deeper to find the real gold. Price comparison websites will help you to do that, and they make what would usually be an incredibly arduous and confusing search really quick and easy, so type a search such as "compare energy prices" and you’ll find a comparison site to do all that hard work for you.

    Pay Your Bills by ACH Direct Debit

    When you arrange these scheduled payments direct from your bank account, you’re reassuring your supplier that they’re going to be paid on time for every bill, which means that they’re keen to offer money-off benefits to those who do.

    Review How Much Energy You Use

    Do you really know how much energy your household is wasting? Crank down your thermostats, limit your use of air conditioning, and train your family to turn off lights and unplug appliances when they’re not in use. Finding ways to save energy and using less of it will mean that you do your bit to clean up the environment and save a few dollars every month.

There are more money saving ideas and tips on this website to help you, including personal finance tips for people in their 30s.

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